You can insert the canvas after the old one, and then remove the old one. The new one will have its position.
dayButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
function replaceCanvas(elem) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
newContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Insert the new canvas after the old one
elem.parentNode.insertBefore(canvas, elem.nextSibling);
// Remove old canvas. Now the new canvas has its position.
return newContext;
var new_ctx = replaceCanvas(document.getElementById('graph1'));
myChart = new Chart(new_ctx).Line(somedata);
While Alfonso is technically correct, I would question the performance of this approach. Removing and adding a new Canvas is going to add overhead and potentially cause unnecessary flicker. It is good practice to get in the habit of reusing DOM elements as much as possible.
I would highly recommend clearing the old Canvas and then reusing it. If necessary reassign its id
so that other code will not overwrite your new chart.
Clearing a canvas can be accomplished quite easily: