[Chartjs]-Rails and Chart.js


I’m not sure how to put this in the correct format of having an array
of “book counts per month” and an “array of labels” that have the
month names.

By looking at group_by_month, it is clear that you are using groupdate gem. Lets use its format option to return just month names as keys like below

@books_count = Book.group_by_month(:created_at, format: "%b").count

which would return the results like this

{"Jul" =>12, "Aug" =>10, "Sep" =>9, "Oct" =>4}

Now by doing @books_count.keys and @books_count.values should give the below

#=> ["Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct"]

#=> [12, 10, 9, 4]

So now you can finally feed them to the respected labels and data as below

labels: <%= @books_count.keys.to_json.html_safe %>
data: <%= @books_count.values.to_json.html_safe %>

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