There are a couple parts here.
Step One: load the JSON from a file
I like using Fetch. If you use jQuery, you can also use $.ajax. Assuming the file is in the same directory as your JS code and is named chart.json
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function (json) {
// drawChart fn to be created...see below
}).catch(function (error) {
Note that if you are running this code locally, you will probably get an error about CORS if you try to visit the website directly from the filesystem (like file:///<path-to-file>/index.html
Instead, you can run a local server easily. Go to the directory that contains your file in your terminal, and run:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
php -S localhost:8000
This serves up the current directory on port 8000. Then visit http://localhost:8000/
Also, make sure the JSON is valid (no semicolon at the end!).
Step Two: parse the JSON response
We’re trying to make two arrays. One with numbers for data, and one with strings for Labels.
You can do this easily with map:
var graphData = json.jsonarray.map(e => e.Color);
// ["Blue", "Red", "Green", "Orange", "Light Blue"]
var graphLabels = json.jsonarray.map(e => e.Value);
// [12, 19, 3, 5, 2]
Step Three: bring it all together
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", draw);
function draw() {
// Get the json file with fetch or $.ajax
// Pass the json data to drawChart
function drawChart(jsonData) {
/* get graphData and graphLabels
draw chart with your existing code
pass graphData and graphLabels in place of
the hard-coded labels and data in your Chart initialization */
extending the idea:
Right now this code only supports a single dataset. The backgroundColor
array is fixed, so if you do not have exactly 5 values, some of the background colors will be ChartJS’s default gray.
You can further abstract the drawing code to support multiple datasets & even randomly generate colors to match the number of groups if you require it. Just swap out the hard-coded values as needed with variables you generate from your dataset. Hopefully this helps get you started!
- [Chartjs]-Chart.js custom legend – make legend items clickable to select/deselect data
- [Chartjs]-How to install Chart.js without a library?