It might be too late but for anyone who is in need, try the following. For your case you have your $analyticsData collection, which is a good start. Chartjs uses lists to map and compare data.
So for example we want to see a chart of date vs visitors
//transfer all of this code out of the routes to your controller
$analyticsData = Analytics::fetchTotalVisitorsAndPageViews(Period::days(30));
//send these two variables to your view
$dates = $analyticsData->pluck('date');
$visitors = $analyticsData->pluck('visitors');
In your script, the labels should receive $dates in a list as follows;
labels: {!! json_encode($dates) !!},
And data in datasets receive $visitors as a list;
data: {!! json_encode($visitors) !!}
See this article on my website for more in-depth explanations.