It should actually be straight forward, but you need to be aware that using DB::raw()
is necessary. To begin with, here your query a little bit nicer formatted:
CAST([leadcreated] as date) as createddate,
COUNT([LeadID]) as numleads
FROM [dbo].[viewAllLeads]
WHERE [companyid] = '001'
GROUP BY [LeadSource], CAST([leadcreated] as date)
ORDER BY [createddate]
And converted to an Eloquent query:
DB::table('viewAllLeads') // the query builder doesn't care if it's a table or view
DB::raw('CAST(leadcreated as date) as createddate'),
DB::raw('COUNT(LeadID) as numleads')
->where('companyid', '001')
->groupBy('LeadSource', DB::raw('CAST(leadcreated as date)'))
This will return a Illuminate\Support\Collection
containing stdClass
objects of the following form:
object(stdClass)#1 (3) {
["LeadSource"] => string(3) "ABC"
["createddate"] => string(10) "2019-08-05"
["numleads"] => int(15)
$leads = Lead::where('companyid', $companyid)->get()->groupBy(function ($item) {
return $item->created_at->format('Y-m-d');
})->sortBy(function ($item) {
return $item->created_at->format('x');
if you use dd($leads)
you can see the data structure.