99% chance this doesn’t work so please someone kindly correct it so it works. Also I feel like this is not even on the right track.
function chartOnClickHandler(e) {
return new Promise((res, rej)=>{
if (e.native.detail !== 2) rej(0); // arbitrary reject value
if (e.native.target.style.cursor === 'default') {
else if (e.native.target.style.cursor === 'grab'){
function handleSynchronously(e) {
// do synchronous stuff here
I think I found a simple way around my issue. Instead of adding an event listener that waits for the function to finish, I found a way to mess around with the event queue. Using either queueMicrotask()
or setTimeout()
, I am able to add a function to the event queue that comes after the current running event.
Update: I ended up going with setTimeout(function, 1000)
because I have to wait for the Chart’s animation to end to properly get the data I need.
function chartOnClickHandler(e) {
if (e.native.detail !== 2) return; // if not double click return
if (e.native.target.style.cursor === 'default') {
else if (e.native.target.style.cursor === 'grab'){
queueMicrotask( () => {
// Function to be run after the current task/event (chartOnClickHandler)
setTimeout( () => {
// Function to be run after the current task/event (chartOnClickHandler)
}, 0); // timeout can be 0, since we don't care about delay time, just to push the event down in the event queue.
} // Queued function will run here, after chartOnClickHandler has finished executing.
// Below event handler is not needed and can be removed.
chartElement.addEventListener('chartOnClickHandler', (e) => {
// This event handler is not needed anymore