Chartjs-Is it possible to keep the same width of the drawing surface when updaing chart.js linechart


I am not seeing anywhere in the Chartjs documentation or code where it would be possible to prevent the scale area to resize.

In the code they have a description of how the layout is calculated. Given that this layout is resized and rendered when the data is updated, the only way I can see that would allow for what you want would be to modify/extend the Chartjs code.

// Essentially we now have any number of boxes on each of the 4 sides.
        // Our canvas looks like the following.
        // The areas L1 and L2 are the left axes. R1 is the right axis, T1 is the top axis and
        // B1 is the bottom axis
        // There are also 4 quadrant-like locations (left to right instead of clockwise) reserved for chart overlays
        // These locations are single-box locations only, when trying to register a chartArea location that is already taken,
        // an error will be thrown.
        // |----------------------------------------------------|
        // |                  T1 (Full Width)                   |
        // |----------------------------------------------------|
        // |    |    |                 T2                  |    |
        // |    |----|-------------------------------------|----|
        // |    |    | C1 |                           | C2 |    |
        // |    |    |----|                           |----|    |
        // |    |    |                                     |    |
        // | L1 | L2 |           ChartArea (C0)            | R1 |
        // |    |    |                                     |    |
        // |    |    |----|                           |----|    |
        // |    |    | C3 |                           | C4 |    |
        // |    |----|-------------------------------------|----|
        // |    |    |                 B1                  |    |
        // |----------------------------------------------------|
        // |                  B2 (Full Width)                   |
        // |----------------------------------------------------|
        // What we do to find the best sizing, we do the following
        // 1. Determine the minimum size of the chart area.
        // 2. Split the remaining width equally between each vertical axis
        // 3. Split the remaining height equally between each horizontal axis
        // 4. Give each layout the maximum size it can be. The layout will return it's minimum size
        // 5. Adjust the sizes of each axis based on it's minimum reported size.
        // 6. Refit each axis
        // 7. Position each axis in the final location
        // 8. Tell the chart the final location of the chart area
        // 9. Tell any axes that overlay the chart area the positions of the chart area

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