Yes, this is fairly simple actually. The chartjs-plugin-labels.js
file contains several lines which force the chart to become smaller when the label settings set the position to either "border"
or "outside"
. Download the script to your own server, comment out the lines below, and everything should work as expected. CodePen demo
Comment/remove these lines:
if (this.options.position === 'border') {
offset = (lines.length - 1) * this.options.fontSize / 2;
if (label.options.position === 'outside') {
someOutside = true;
var padding = label.options.fontSize * 1.5 + label.options.outsidePadding;
if (padding > maxPadding) {
maxPadding = padding;
Here is the updated JS file you can use: https://pastebin.com/raw/gSffqqKu
Just download it as chartjs-plugin-labels.js and use it in your project instead of the original plugin file.
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