Chartjs-I cannot update my chart ( in react-chartjs-2 )


function has its own this context so you either have to store the this context in a local variable before the setInterval or use an arrow function instead of function

setInterval(() => {
    }, 500); 


First you need to obtain a reference to the Chart.js instance.

constructor() {
  this.chartReference = React.createRef(); 

render() {
  return (
    <Doughnut ref={this.chartReference} data={} />

From this reference, you can obtain the chart instance, update its data and finally invoke chart.update().

setInterval(() => {
  const chart = this.chartReference.current.chartInstance;[0].data = [<the new data>];
}, 2000); 

Please take a look at this StackBlitz and see how it works.

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