Had the same issue but I have found a solution for this
You will need to import the LinearTickOptions
from ‘chart.js’ as well
import { Chart, LinearTickOptions } from 'chart.js';
You will then need to create a variable that holds this information
xAxisTickOptions: LinearTickOptions = {
min: 0,
stepSize: 0.02,
You will need to separate variables if the use X and Y with different step values (obviously)
from there we can go and just reference the variable in the options object
xAxes: [
type: 'linear', //optional
ticks: this.xAxisTickOptions,
Everything should resolve itself from there. My best guess at this reason is because the Axes implement TickOptions | LinearTickOptions | ...
. So it will just grab hold of the first option unless you want to implement the whole LinearTickOptions interface in the tick object
Hope this helps
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