[Chartjs]-How to show labels in laravel charts when the name of the label is on another table?


Assuming you set up the relationship between Permit and State models, and you want to count the number of permits for each state (so I think you meant to have a 1:N relation), you could do like this:

$data = State::withCount('permits')->all();

// Then when you need to extract data
$chart = new PermitsChart;

// To retrive the permit_count foreach state you can to
$data->pluck('permits_count'); // Array of counts

To set up relationships between your model you have to add:


class Permit extends Model
    // Your existing code
    public function state()
        return $this->belongsTo(State::class);


class State extends Model
    // Your existing code
    public function permits()
        return $this->hasMany(Permit::class);

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