[Chartjs]-How to make react-chartjs-2 responsive on mobile?


I’ve made you a demo page of how I’ve made my charjs responsive.

Basically you need to give the <canvas> element height:100% and pass these options:

options: {
  maintainAspectRatio : false

Do not use responsive: true at all, it doesn’t seem to do anything.

If you’r <canvas> is inside some container, I would suggest making that container responsive (with flexbox for example).


I also had the same problem on my nextjs app. My Bar Chart was not rendering properly on mobile viewport.

I perused the main ChartJS docs on responsiveness and there’s a part they talk about resizing the chart canvas when its container resizes. In my case, the container is just a div. Hence In order to fix the issue on mobile viewport, I set my div to be relatively positioned and also set view width and height but it messes up chartjs rendering on desktop screens
hence I had a CSS style that resets my height and width to auto on screens greater than 767px.

Also, I set option maintainAspectRatio : false as per the chartJS docs.

#canvas-container {
    height: 60vh;
    width: 60vw;
    position: relative;

 @media (min-width: 768px) {
     #canvas-container {
         height: auto;
         width: auto;

<div id="canvas-container">
 <Bar options={options} data={data}/>

Do not forget to set option maintainAspectRatio : false

You can check out the main example from ChartJS Docs here. Hope this helps 🙂


You can force to re-render your widget on window resize. Here i use the useWindowSize hook from react-use

export function App() {
  return <Bar key={Date.now} options={options} data={data} />;

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