Chartjs-How to make a chart with chartjs and Angular?



I think ng2-charts might not play well with chart.js version 3.0.0+, try to install an older version:
npm install chart.js@2.9.4 --save.

Also, I’m not sure if your html has the baseChart directive added (because the picture is cut with the error), it should look something like:


Finally, here is a minimal example of adding chart.js to your application – stackblitz


You cant just bind your data to a canvas and think it will work, you will either have to use the bare lib correctly because im pretty sure chart.js doesnt expose an export called ChartDatasetsee integration ( and usage ( guides to get started.

Alternatively you can use the angular wrapper which is just a component where you can just supply your data to (


npm install ng2-charts

when we want to install this above command just write –force
npm install ng2-charts --force in angular 13 command prompt
go to package.json my version number is = "ng2-charts": "^2.4.3",

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