[Chartjs]-How to label x-Axis in Chart.js by days?


I run your script, works fine with some enhancements in the way that each point shows the money but since the query returns 365 elements is too much data to show in the chart, that’s why I think there are overlaying labels. I noticed that each value in the array has the same date (Sat Jan 17 1970 xx:yy:zz and Sun Jan 18 1970 qq:ww:ee) but different time.. then I group the data by these dates like this:
enter image description here

here’s the entire script.

$('#getData').on('click', function(){
		var requestURL = 'https://blockchain.info/de/charts/market-price?format=json&cors=true';    
		var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
		let newData = [], labels = [];
		let sameDate = "", previousDate = "", value = 0;
		request.open('GET', requestURL);
		request.responseType = 'json';
		request.onload = function() {
			// Group the Data by Day
				if (previousDate !== getDateFormat(moment(item.x)._d) )
					value = 0;
					value = item.y;
					sameDate = getDateFormat(moment(item.x)._d);
					request.response.values.forEach(function(ele, j){
						if ( j > i){
							if (sameDate === getDateFormat(moment(ele.x)._d)){
								value+= ele.y;
								previousDate = getDateFormat(moment(ele.x)._d);
					newData.push({x:sameDate, y:value});

		function getDateFormat(momentType)
			return momentType.getDate()+"-"+(momentType.getMonth()+1)+"-"+momentType.getUTCFullYear();

		function drawChart(jsonObj,label) {

		    var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
		    var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
		        type: 'line',
		        data: {
		            labels: label,
		            datasets: [{
		            	label: "Average USD",
		        options: {
		            scales: {
		                yAxes: [{
		                    ticks: {
		                xAxes: [{
		                    display: true,
		                    scaleLabel: {
		                        display: true,
		                        labelString: 'value'
		            plugins: {
		            		borderRadius: 4,
							color: 'black',
							anchor: 'end',
							align: 'end',
							backgroundColor: function(context) {
								return context.dataset.borderColor;
							formatter: function(value, context){
								// show the value on the point
								return Number(value.y).toFixed(2);


the arrays that fill the chart

In the image above you can see the data, notice that I separate it in three arrays, in the chart I have two datasets (Ingreso(x[date],y[value]), Egreso(x[date],y[vlue])) and “Label” that is the one that fills the x-Axis label. And here is how I did it !

the code

so in the label option I fill with my label array with the dates

enter image description here


In addition, here’s my entire script.

    var requestURL = 'https://blockchain.info/de/charts/market-price?format=json&cors=true';    
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

request.open('GET', requestURL);
request.responseType = 'json';
request.onload = function() {
    var response = request.response;

function fillLabel(jsonObj){
    var label = [];
    var arr = jsonObj["values"];
    arr.forEach(element => {
    return label;

function drawChart(jsonObj) {

    var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
    var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
            labels: fillLabel(jsonObj),
            datasets: [{
                label: jsonObj["name"],
                data: jsonObj["values"],
        options: {
            scales: {
                yAxes: [{
                    ticks: {
                xAxes: [{
                    type: 'time',
                    time: {
                        unit: 'second',
                        displayFormats: {
                            millisecond: 'h:mm:ss.SSS a',
                            second: 'D MMM',
                            minute: 'D MMM',
                            hour: 'hA',
                            day: 'MMM D',
                            week: 'll',
                            month: 'MMM YYYY',
                            quarter: '[Q]Q - YYYY',
                            year: 'YYYY'
                    display: true,
                    scaleLabel: {
                        display: true,
                        labelString: 'value'

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