Chartjs-How to label axis on ChartJS radar chart?


I had the same problem as you and found this solution:

Define the array of base64 images you want as labels

const labelImages = [
    /* Image 2 */ '......',
    /* Image 1 */ '.....'

Then use the plugin:

plugins: [
    id: 'Label images',
    afterDraw: (chart) => {
        for (const i in chart.scales.r._pointLabelItems) {
            const point = chart.scales.r._pointLabelItems[i];
            var image = new Image();
            image.src = labelImages[i];
            // you I had 20x20 images thats why I use 20x20
            chart.ctx.drawImage(image, point.x - 10, point.y, 20, 20);

Draw image from context options

This solution draws images where the labels are (where they start, i think), if you want only images and no text then you should hide the labels. I did it like this:

options: {
    // just so that the images are not outside the canvas
    layout: {
        padding: 20
    scales: {
        y: {
            display: false
        x: {
            display: false
        r: {
            pointLabels: {
                // Hides the labels around the radar chart but leaves them in the tooltip
                callback: function (label, index) {
                    return ' ';

I hope this helps

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