[Chartjs]-How to increase gaps between vertical gridlines in chartjs


You can make use of the maxTicksLimit, this will make it so only that amount of ticks will get rendered which in turn makes the distance between ticks larger


options: {
  scales: {
    xAxes: [
        ticks: {
          maxTicksLimit: 10

Source: https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/axes/cartesian/linear.html


Good answer from @LeeLenalee

I would like to add an additional option for fine-tuning in case of y-Axis (horizontal gridlines):

Chart.js v3.2.0

If you want to achieve a minimalistic design with even less gridlines (say only 2 or 3 gridlines for basic orientation), chart would tend to not take advantage of full chart height for little maxTicksLimits (no automatic scaling, see example with maxTicksLimit: 3)

Here are examples (y-Axis) to demonstrate:

  • Normal (no ticks-costumization)

     options: {
        scales: {
          y: {
             ticks: {
                // no costumization

    enter image description here

    (Many gridlines and ticks, but automatic scaling working)

  • maxTicksLimit: 10

     options: {
        scales: {
          y: {
             ticks: {
                maxTicksLimit: 10

    enter image description here

    (Less gridlines and ticks, automatic scaling still OK)

  • maxTicksLimit: 3

      options: {
         scales: {
           y: {
              ticks: {
                 maxTicksLimit: 3

    enter image description here

    (Does not take advantage of full chart height, no automatic scaling)

  • callback

      options: {
         scales: {
           y: {
              ticks: {
                 callback: function(value, index, values) {
                    let step = 5;
                    //values[0].value is first tick (tick_min)
                    //values[values.length-1].value is last tick (tick_max)
                    //tick_max - tick_min is range of values at y-Axis
                    if (values[values.length-1].value - values[0].value > 15) {
                       //define condition (> 15) and
                       //step size (10) according to your estimated data range
                       step = 10;
                    } else {
                       step = 5;
                    if (Number.isInteger(value/step)) {
                       return value;
                    } else {
                       return '';
                 grid: {  //hide gridlines where there is no tick
                    z: 1,
                    color: function(context) {
                       if (context.tick.label != '')  {
                          return 'rgba(61,138,254,0.5)';
                       } else {
                          return 'rgba(61,138,254,0)'; //transparent

    enter image description here

    (Few gridlines and automatic scaling OK)

    Source: https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/axes/labelling.html#creating-custom-tick-formats

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