[Chartjs]-How to highlight single bar in bar chart using Chartjs


You can attach the logic to your onchange handler

document.getElementById("mySelect").onchange = highlightBar.bind(document.getElementById("mySelect"));

and if you want to call it programmatically (say, if you have an initial value set)


Here’s the logic for highlighting the bars. Note that you need to consider the fact that the tooltip functionality also manipulates fill colors and stroke colors.

function highlightBar(s) {
    // this clears off any tooltip highlights
    myBarChart.activeElements = [];

    // reset any coloring because of selection
    myBarChart.datasets.forEach(function(dataset) {
        dataset.bars.forEach(function (bar) {
            if (bar.selected) {
                bar.fillColor = bar.selected.fillColor;
                bar.strokeColor = bar.selected.strokeColor;
                delete bar.selected;

    var index = myBarChart.scale.xLabels.indexOf(this.value);
    myBarChart.datasets.forEach(function (dataset) {
        var selectedBar = dataset.bars[index];

        // store the current values
        selectedBar.selected = {
            fillColor: selectedBar.fillColor,
            strokeColor: selectedBar.strokeColor

        // now set the color
        selectedBar.fillColor = "red";
        selectedBar.strokeColor = "red";


If however, you don’t have tooltips enabled, it becomes a whole lot simpler and you don’t need some of the above logic.

Working Fiddle – http://jsfiddle.net/39owabm0/198/

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