[Chartjs]-How to hide Chart.js data labels for small screens



As usual, as soon as I post a question I come up with an answer. One solution using inline plugin definitions is given at the following CodePen. If you put a browser into developer mode and shrink the window to less than 540 px, the data labels will vanish.

The code is shown below:

"use strict";
/* global Chart */
/* global wNumb */
/* global ChartDataLabels */
 * Unregister chartjs-plugins-datalabels - not really necessary for this use case

var moneyFormat = wNumb({
  decimals: 0,
  thousand: ",",
  prefix: "$",
  negativeBefore: "-"

var percentFormat = wNumb({
  decimals: 0,
  suffix: "%",
  negativeBefore: "-"

var doughnutdata = {
  labels: [
  datasets: [
      backgroundColor: [
      borderColor: [
      data: [88480, 57680, 40050, 18430, 23860, 25840, 17490]

var chartOptions = {
  responsive: true,
  maintainAspectRatio: true,
  legend: {
    labels: {
      boxWidth: 20
  tooltips: {
    callbacks: {
      label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
        var index = tooltipItem.index;
        return (
          data.labels[index] +
          ": " +
          moneyFormat.to(data.datasets[0].data[index]) +
  plugins: {
    datalabels: {
      anchor: "end",
      backgroundColor: function(context) {
        return context.dataset.backgroundColor;
      borderColor: "white",
      borderRadius: 25,
      borderWidth: 1,
      color: "white",
      font: {
        size: 10
      formatter: function(value, pieID) {
        var sum = 0;
        var dataArr = pieID.chart.data.datasets[0].data;
        dataArr.map(function(data) {
          sum += data;
        var percentage = percentFormat.to(value * 100 / sum);
        return percentage;

var doughnutID = document.getElementById("doughnutchart").getContext("2d");

var pieChart = new Chart(doughnutID, {
  plugins: [
      beforeLayout: function(chart) {
        var showLabels = (chart.width) > 500 ? true : false;
        chart.options.plugins.datalabels.display = showLabels;
      onresize: function(chart) {
        var showLabels = (chart.width) > 500 ? true : false;
        chart.options.plugins.datalabels.display = showLabels;
  type: "doughnut",
  data: doughnutdata,
  options: chartOptions

I hope that this is useful.


Responsiveness can be implemented using scriptable options and in your case, you would use a function for the display option that returns false if the chart is smaller than a specific size. (Example):

options: {
  plugins: {
    datalabels: {
      display: function(context) {
        return context.chart.width > 500;

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