Chartjs-How to get rid of old data and of old graph in Chart.js?


You should not recreate chart since that is not allowed in v2, instead you need to replace the data:

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>hp mp</title>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<script src=""></script>

<body onload="hpmpGraph()">
  	var myPieChart = null
        var config = {options:{},type:'pie'}
		function hpmpGraph() {
			var hp = document.hpmpForm.HP.value,
				mp = document.hpmpForm.MP.value,
				ctx = document.getElementById('hpmpratio').getContext('2d');
               = {
				labels: ["HP","MP"],
						data: [hp,mp],
						backgroundColor: ["#EF0000","#0000EF"],
						hoverBackgroundColor: ["#FF0000","#0000FF"]
			if(myPieChart == null){
                            myPieChart = new Chart(ctx, config);

	<h1>HP & MP</h1>
	<form name=hpmpForm method=post>
		HP : <input type="text" name="HP" value="100"><br>
		MP : <input type="text" name="MP" value="100"><br>
		<button type="button" onClick="hpmpGraph();">Click</button>
		<h2>Pie graph</h2>
		<canvas id="hpmpratio" height="50"></canvas>
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>hp mp</title>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<script src=""></script>

<body onload="hpmpGraph()">
		function hpmpGraph() {
			var hp = document.hpmpForm.HP.value,
				mp = document.hpmpForm.MP.value,
				ctx = document.getElementById('hpmpratio').getContext('2d');
			var	data = {
				labels: ["HP","MP"],
						data: [hp,mp],
						backgroundColor: ["#EF0000","#0000EF"],
						hoverBackgroundColor: ["#FF0000","#0000FF"]
			var options = {};

			var myPieChart = new Chart(ctx, {
				type: 'pie',
				data: data,
				options: options

	<h1>HP & MP</h1>
	<form name=hpmpForm method=post>
		HP : <input type="text" name="HP" value="100"><br>
		MP : <input type="text" name="MP" value="100"><br>
		<button type="button" onClick="hpmpGraph();">Click</button>
		<h2>Pie graph</h2>
		<canvas id="hpmpratio" height="50"></canvas>

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