There is possible solution if you destroy charts and create a new one.
Chart.helpers.each(Chart.instances, function(chart){
let ctx = chart.chart.ctx;
let config = chart.config;
new Chart(ctx, config);
It will get all chart instances so you can easy get config and ctx of charts. Just put this in function what you call when you click on tab.
Define your chart with a ‘this’:
this.myChartInstance = new Chart(ctx, { ...
Then use a Javascript call in the:
<li><a data-toggle="tab" onclick="update" href="#menu1">Menu 1</a></li>
and call the script to re-animate …
function update() {
- Chartjs-Is it posssible to create a Line-Chart with only 2 values? – Chart.js
- Chartjs-Is it possible to add a javascript chart in a webview in Xamari.Forms