Chartjs-How to Fill array with 0 if data is not present?


You can play with this Plunker, i think it’ll be a great point for starting, you can improve it and adjust it to your needs.

 while (i < 12){
    if(data[prev] && i == data[prev][prev].month) {
    } else {
      array.push({i:{month: i, profit: 0}});


So that is basically going to be your function so you just have to modify the final array to match the chart.js format, hope this will be helpful for you


Check out this fiddle

Basically, sanitize your data. Loop over your data and push whatever data you have into an array. Then loop over an array of 12 (12 months) and put 0 where ever you find a hole in the array.

data.forEach(function (item) {
  // -> iterate over all keys in the item
  //    -> for every key get the month and profit and put into result
  //    -> result[month] = profit

Now fill the holes

// create an empty array of size 12
Array.apply(null, {length: 12 }).forEach(function (i, month) {
  // -> if result[month] == null
  //    -> that mean no data for that month is present.
  //    -> put that in the result with profit 0
  //    -> result[month] == 0

Use result array in the chart.

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