You need to identify what in your chart data could be represented as columns and rows in the table. If you named your x-axis, you could represent the chart data like this:
Color | # of Votes | # of Points
Red 12 7
Blue 19 11
... and so on
Also, chart data can be represented as a crosstab which is a more direct representation (since datapoint lies where x and y intersects):
| Red | Blue | ... and so on
# of Votes 12 19
# of Points 7 11
Here’s the example of how you can convert the chart data to crosstab: https://jsfiddle.net/tara5/cjvuphkL/
Also, I agree with comments (@Alex), that you should provide samples (https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask), something that you tried to do yourself, but it didn’t work. Therefore, I cannot be sure if I provided the answer that you are looking for.