[Chartjs]-How to determine which bar was clicked on a chart js


After reading your comments and understanding your problem, I think I found a solution for you.

   onClick: function (event, elements){  
       if (elements.length > 0) {   
           // To get the clicked element
           const clickedElement = this.getElementAtEvent(event);

           // To get the group id of the clicked element
           const groupIndex = clickedElement[0]._index;

           // To get the id of the clicked element with in the group
           const barIndex = clickedElement[0]._datasetIndex;

This way you can know, what the clicked element is, which group/column it belongs to and which id it has within the group (i.e. which of the five bars were clicked).


You can try this code inside your chart declaration and load your html table data

       onClick: graphClickEvent

function graphClickEvent(event, array){
   if(array.length === 0){
     //load table

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