I am generating a random color for each dataSet and it seems to work for me. I don’t get repeating colors.
//function to generate the random number
getRndNumber(min:number , max:number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) ) + min;
//generate a random color in rgba format
color = 'rgba('+ this.getRndNumber(0,255) +', '+ this.getRndNumber(0,255) +', '+ this.getRndNumber(0,255);
//using that color to set the backgroundColor
dataSet.backgroundColor = color +', 0.7)';
Yes, I can share the code where I populate the chart(in typescript) but the only thing that matters here is that I use it in a ChartDataSets object I guess.
populateChart(answerReportList: AnswerReport[]) : ChartDataSets[]
var ChartDataSets: ChartDataSets[] = [];
var dataSet: ChartDataSets = {};
dataSet.data = [Math.round((report.resultCases * 100 /report.resultTotal) * 10) / 10];
dataSet.label = report.answerText;
var color: string;
color = 'rgba('+ this.getRndNumber(0,255) +', '+ this.getRndNumber(0,255) +', '+ this.getRndNumber(0,255);
dataSet.backgroundColor = color +', 0.7)';
dataSet.hoverBackgroundColor = color +', 1)';
return ChartDataSets;
Forgot to mention that ChartDataSets is an interface from chart.js:
import { ChartOptions, ChartType, ChartDataSets } from 'chart.js';