The data format you provided is wrong, you are trying to
but the data you provided only have X value. you need to reformat it, the data should have the format like this: {x:$(value), y:${value}}
Open the code snippet below in CodeSandbox
import React from "react";
import { Line } from "react-chartjs-2";
import "chartjs-plugin-streaming";
var createReactClass = require("create-react-class");
const data = {
datasets: [
label: "Dataset 1",
borderColor: "rgb(255, 99, 132)",
backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.5)",
lineTension: 0,
borderDash: [8, 4],
data: []
const options = {
scales: {
xAxes: [
type: "realtime",
realtime: {
onRefresh: function() {
x: Date.now(),
y: Math.random() * 100
delay: 2000
export default createReactClass({
displayName: "LineExample",
render() {
return (
<Line data={data} options={options} />
without a snippet to play with I’d guess that the problem is here
onRefresh: function(chart) {
x: Date.now(),
y: Math.random()
you’ve pushed the new data to the initial dataset, but at a guess you’ll need to push it to the chart itself. looking at the example at:
seems like you should be passing the data directly to the chart
chart.config.data.datasets.forEach(function(dataset) {
x: Date.now(),
y: randomScalingFactor()
or maybe, (again I’m just guessing where the new data might go without a mvp example to play with, console.log out the chart variable in the onRefresh callback to find the right location), If you setup a mvp on somewhere like stackblitz I/someone can update this answer.
onRefresh: function(chart) {
x: Date.now(),
y: Math.random()
is undefined because it was never defined in React.
Here is an example with React:
onRefresh: function(chart) {
x: Date.now(),
y: Math.random()