Chartjs-Facing problem to solve Uncaught TypeError while using chart js


If you click the error in the console it takes you to the line of code causing the error. It’s the second line shown here:

var ctxHBar = document.getElementById("horizontal_bar_chart");
ctxHBar.height = lbls.length * 12 + 15;
// further code...

The issue is because there is no #horizontal_bar_chart element in the DOM, so you cannot set its height.

You can fix the issue with a simple condition to check the element exists first.

var ctxHBar = document.getElementById("horizontal_bar_chart");
if (ctxBar) {
  ctxHBar.height = lbls.length * 12 + 15; = "Roboto"; = "500";
  var myHorizBarChart = new Chart(ctxHBar, {
    type: "horizontalBar",
    data: data,
    options: options,

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