[Chartjs]-Error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'keyof ChartTypeRegistry'



FYI, ChartTypeRegistry was introduced by chart.js in version 3.0 and later.

Hence, I conclude that you installed chart.js that is incompatible with the latest ng2-chart (version 2.4.2).

To reproduce the same issue, I have installed chart.js version 3.4 as the link below:

Sample project (chart.js v 3.4)

Solution (chart.js version before 3.0)

According to ng2-charts โ€“ npm,

You need to install chart.js with:

npm install chart.js@2.9.4


npm install @types/chart.js@2.9.33

Sample solution (chart.js v 2.9.4)

Solution (chart.js version 3.0 and later)

Specify lineChartType with ChartType type.

import { ChartType } from 'chart.js';

public lineChartType: ChartType = "line";

Sample solution (chart.js v 3.0)


There is example Chart.js from 4.0.1 + version, like I resolved

    import { Chart, ChartType } from 'chart.js/auto';

    chartTypes: {[key: string]: ChartType} = {
       line: 'line',
       bar: 'bar'

    lineChartType = this.lineChartType['line'];


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