Chartjs-Displaying JSON data into a pie chart using chart.js



I got this solved, well sadly, with no magic at all to brag about. There was nothing wrong with the code initially, however, it was a problem with the DOM rendering performance. Thank you @alwaysVBNET and @Aniko Litvanyi for your inputs as well.

This link helped me out, hopefully it does to someone out there.


maybe it is because of the jquery each, it fills DataArray async and the array is not ready, when you want to use it as chart data.
Change the $.each to a simple js for loop

for(var i = 0; i < result.standing; i++){
   var name = "Manchester United FC";
   var team = result.standing[i];
       if (team.teamName == name) {
          DataArray.push(team.wins, team.losses, team.draws);


try callbacks for you ajax or do the below (which is a dirty solution):

        url: '',
        dataType: 'json',
        cache: false, //add this
        async: false, //add this
        type: 'GET',

the result of your ajax could be returned using the below code instead of using an array.



The issue lies in your DataArray. The way it is implemented is is an array with a single entry. Which is another array itself.

[[<wins>, <losses>, <draws>]]

instead of

[<wins>, <losses>, <draws>]

That is because you instantiate an array and then push into it an array object.

To fix this try using the following function:

$.each(result.standing, function () {
    var name = "Manchester United FC";
    if (this.teamName == name) {
        DataArray = ([this.wins, this.losses, this.draws]);
        console.log("This team name");

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