symfny-ux controller creates its own instance of ChartJS inside an appropriate stimulus-controller, and this variable isn’t directly accessible. But, symfony/ux developers are smart, and they created events (e.g. chartjs:connect
) which you can listen to (link)
If you do so, you will end up with a JS native CustomEvent
object and in the details
property of this event you will find passed chart
instance previously created in symfiny-ux-controller for chart.js
So in theory you would be able just to
document.addEventListener("chartjs:connect",(chartEv) => {
console.log(chartEv.details); // chartEv.details.chart.destroy()
I do recommend you to watch Ryan’s tutorial on Symfony UX, especially "Extending a UX Controller" chapter where he tries to work with previously created instance of new Chart()
like in your case.
You can use the getChart
api method chart.js exposes on itself.
So when you know the ID of your canvas you can use this js to get the chart object:
const chart = Chart.getChart('my-chart');