This can be done using the following options:
onComplete: function()
var chartInstance = this.chart;
var horizontal = chartInstance.config.type.lastIndexOf("horizontal", 0) === 0; //if type of graph starts with horizontal
var ctx = chartInstance.ctx;
ctx.textAlign = (horizontal) ? "left" : "center";
ctx.textBaseline = (horizontal) ? "middle" : "bottom";
ctx.font = '16px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif';
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
var dataLabels = {}; //key = x or y coordinate (depends on grouping), value = Array[0] other coordinate , Array[1] = value to print
var equationForGrouping = (horizontal) ? Math.max : Math.min; //equation to use for grouping
//get values from chart, fill them in dataLabels (as seen in https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/blob/master/samples/data_label_combo-bar-line.html )
Chart.helpers.each(this.data.datasets.forEach(function(dataset, i)
var meta = chartInstance.controller.getDatasetMeta(i);
Chart.helpers.each(meta.data.forEach(function(bar, index)
{ //for each part of each stacked bar
if(meta.hidden != true) //if data is not hidden (by clicking on it in the legend)
var groupByCoordinate = (horizontal) ? bar._model.y : bar._model.x;
var otherCoordinate = (horizontal) ? bar._model.x : bar._model.y;
dataLabels[groupByCoordinate][0] = equationForGrouping(otherCoordinate, dataLabels[groupByCoordinate][0]);
dataLabels[groupByCoordinate][1] += dataset.data[index];
dataLabels[groupByCoordinate] = [otherCoordinate, dataset.data[index]];
}), this)
}), this);
//draw values onto graph
for(var key in dataLabels)
if(dataLabels[key][1] >= 1000000) //million
dataLabels[key][1] = Math.round(dataLabels[key][1] / 1000000) + "m";
else if(dataLabels[key][1] >= 1000) //thousand
dataLabels[key][1] = Math.round(dataLabels[key][1] / 1000) + "k";
if(horizontal) //if grouped by y values
ctx.fillText(dataLabels[key][1], dataLabels[key][0], key);
ctx.fillText(dataLabels[key][1], key, dataLabels[key][0]);
See this example: https://jsfiddle.net/s4r2rj8h/1