[Chartjs]-Custom empty screen for ng2-charts



You have to check data variable length like


<div style="display: block;" *ngIf="lineChartData[0]['data'].length">
  <canvas baseChart width="400" height="400"

<div *ngIf="lineChartData[0]['data'].length === 0 ">
  No Data Available


export class AppComponent  {
  public lineChartData: ChartDataSets[] = [
    { data: [], label: 'Series A' },


You could use *ngIfโ€˜s else block:

<div style="display: block;" *ngIf="lineChartData; else elseBlock">
  <canvas baseChart width="400" height="400"
<ng-template #elseBlock>No Data Available.</ng-template>

Stackbliz demo here.

If lineChartData can be just empty ([]) and you wish to also hide the chart in this case, you can use:

<div style="display: block;" *ngIf="lineChartData && lineChartData.length; else elseBlock">

Stackblitz demo 2 here.

And/or if you want to guard the data variable as well, do:

<div style="display: block;" *ngIf="lineChartData && lineChartData.length && lineChartData[0].data.length; else elseBlock">

Demo here.

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