[Chartjs]-Creating a Normal Distribution graph with Chart.js



It is unfortunately not possible with Chart.js, except if you create it by yourself.

But, I found a library called ChartNew.js (Github) that provides a lot of functionalities that are not available on Chart.js :

Chart.js has been completely rewritten since ChartNew.js has been developed; Both code are now completely different. Most of the functionalities inserted in the new version of Chart.js are also available in ChartNew.js

And this library provides a Gaussian Function (also called Normal Distribution) :

enter image description here

To do it, take a look at the sample given in the Github.
I’m sure it will suit you if you change some data.


This Implementation has been done using React. The functions below can still be used in other programming languages built on top of Javascript.

The only two inputs required to plot a Normal Distribution curve will be Mean and Standard deviation

Defining states for mean and standard deviation & states for X and Y arrays

const [bellMean, setBellMean] = useState<number>(12.2036); //example
const [bellStdev, setBellStdev] = useState<number>(0.0008); //example
const [bellXValues, setBellXValues] = useState<(number)[]>([]);
const [bellYValues, setBellYValues] = useState<(number | null)[]>([]);

To Get X values for bell curve (if not using react can get rid of useEffect)

useEffect(() => {
  // defining chart limits between which the graph will be plotted
  let lcl = bellMean - bellStdev * 6;
  let ucl = bellMean + bellStdev * 6;

  let ticks = [lcl];
  let steps = 100; // steps corresponds to the size of the output array
  let stepSize = Math.round(((ucl - lcl) / steps) * 10000) / 10000;
  let tickVal = lcl;
  for (let i = 0; i <= steps; i++) {
    ticks.push(Math.round(tickVal * 10000) / 10000); // rounding off to 4 decimal places
    tickVal = tickVal + stepSize;
  setBellXValues(ticks); //array for X values
}, [bellMean, bellStdev]);

To Get Y values for Bell curve (if not using react can get rid of useEffect)

useEffect(() => {
  // Using PDF function from vega-statistics instead of importing the whole library
  const densityNormal = (value: number, mean: number, stdev: number) => {
  const SQRT2PI = Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
  stdev = (stdev == null) ? 1 : stdev;
  const z = (value - (mean || 0)) / stdev;
  return Math.exp(-0.5 * z * z) / (stdev * SQRT2PI);

let YValues = bellXValues.map((item: number) => {
  if (bellMean === null || bellStdev === undefined) {
    return null;
  } else {
    const pdfValue = densityNormal(item, bellMean, bellStdev);
    return pdfValue === Infinity ? null : pdfValue;
setBellYValues(YValues); // array for Y values
}, [bellXValues]);

The arrays for X and Y can be fed to labels and data props of chartjs as it is.

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