Chartjs-Converting ChartJSCore to – issue with dynamic series data in a loop


I resolved the problem thusly, because the HighChart data expects its own formatted ColumnSeriesData – for whatever strange reason the devs decided to do this, you can’t pass in a generic list:

IDictionary<string, ColumnSeries> columnSeries = new Dictionary<string, ColumnSeries>();

            foreach (var seriesId in seriesIds)
                var seriesName = _seriesRepository.GetSeriesName(seriesId);
                var seriesTotalsByLast6Months = _seriesRepository.GetSeriesTotalsByLast6Months(seriesId);
                List<ColumnSeriesData> columnSeriesData = new List<ColumnSeriesData>();
                seriesTotalsByLast6Months.ForEach(p => columnSeriesData.Add(new ColumnSeriesData { Y = p.Amount }));

                columnSeries[seriesId.ToString()] = new ColumnSeries
                    Name = seriesName.First(),
                    Data = columnSeriesData

And for the loop to add the column series data to the chart (where chartOptions is the name of your HighChart):

foreach (var x in columnSeries.Values)
                //add column series to the chart

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