Chartjs-Charts.js – onComplete javascript function coming from JSON


First of all you forgot to close the array of datasets in line 29.

secondly it is not valid to define functions in JSON results (Line 45).
check this : Is it valid to define functions in JSON results?

And again you forgot to close curly brace at the end .

    "type": "line",
    "data": {
        "datasets": [{
                "data": [{
                    "t": 1551096300000,
                    "y": 22.8125
                }, {
                    "t": 1551096600000,
                    "y": 22.8125
                }, {
                    "t": 1551096900000,
                    "y": 22.8125
                }, {
                    "t": 1551097200000,
                    "y": 22.8125
                }, {
                    "t": 1551097500000,
                    "y": 22.8125
                }, {
                    "t": 1551097800000,
                    "y": 19.3125
                "label": "Sample data",
                "fill": false,
                "backgroundColor": "rgba(0,128,0,1.000)",
                "borderWidth": 2,
                "borderColor": "rgba(0,128,0,1.000)"
            "options": {
                "responsive": true,
                "maintainAspectRatio": true,
                "title": {
                    "display": true,
                    "position": "top",
                    "text": "Temperature (°C)"
                "legend": {
                    "position": "bottom"
                "hover": {
                    "mode": "dataset"
                "animation": {
                    "onComplete": "" 
                "scales": {
                    "xAxes": [{
                        "type": "time",
                        "time": {
                            "displayFormats": {
                                "millisecond": null,
                                "second": null,
                                "minute": "HH:mm",
                                "hour": "DD/MM HH:mm",
                                "day": "DD/MM HH:mm",
                                "week": null,
                                "month": "DD/MM HH",
                                "quarter": null,
                                "year": null
                            "tooltipFormat": "DD/MM/YY HH:mm"
                "elements": {
                    "point": {
                        "radius": 1,
                        "hitRadius": 2,
                        "hoverRadius": 2

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