Math.abs expects a single number input according to ts declarations. So you need to get the number from the array by specefying [0] behind it. After that you need to make it an array again since chart.js expects an array. So your code will look like this:
barLabel = ["13.03.2022"];
barData = [[645.54], [- 114.24]];
@Input() barData!: (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[][];
@Input() barLabel!: string[];
public barChartType: ChartType = "bar";
public barChartData: ChartConfiguration["data"];
defaultBarChartData: Partial<ChartConfiguration['data']>;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.defaultBarChartData = {
labels: this.barLabel,
datasets: [
data: [Math.abs(this.barData[0][0])],
label: "Income",
backgroundColor: "#3ABD32",
data: [Math.abs(this.barData[1][0])],
label: "Expense",
backgroundColor: "#E02A45",
if (
this.barData !== undefined &&
this.barLabels !== undefined &&
Array.isArray(this.barData) &&
this.barData.length > 0 &&
Array.isArray(this.barLabels) &&
this.barLabels.length > 0
this.barChartData = {
...{ labels: [" "] },
} as ChartConfiguration['data'];
this.barChartData.datasets[0].data = this.barData[0];
} else {
throw new Error('Charts must have their data and labels inputs defined.');
public barChartOptions: ChartConfiguration["options"] = {...}