Chartjs-ChartJS – Show percentage base on data on hover (AngularJS)


First get the total for the data we can use Javascript’s reduce method

const total =, b) => a+b, 0);

Now update the label callback to calculate the percentages.

        callbacks: {
        label: (ttItem,data) => (`${data.labels[ttItem.index]}: ${Math.round(data.datasets[ttItem.datasetIndex].data[ttItem.index]/total*10000)/100}%`)

Note, in the above code I’ve rounded the percentages to show 2 decimal points, you might want to change that.

Here’s the entire code for MainController.

function MainController($scope, $timeout) {
  var vm = this;
  vm.labels = ["Download Sales", "In-Store Sales", "Mail-Order Sales", "Other Sales"]; = [360, 507, 207, 900];
  const total =, b)=> a+b, 0);
  vm.options = {
    legend: {
      display: true,
      position: 'bottom'
    tooltips: {
        callbacks: {
        label: (ttItem,data) => (`${data.labels[ttItem.index]}: ${Math.round(data.datasets[ttItem.datasetIndex].data[ttItem.index]/total*10000)/100}%`)
    cutoutPercentage: 60,
    tooltipEvents: [],
    tooltipCaretSize: 0,
    showTooltips: true,
    onAnimationComplete: function() {
      self.showTooltip(self.segments, true);

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