Chartjs-Chartjs, scatter with For-Loop


Usually I set up my objects and arrays how I need them at first and then fill them with data.

Set it up:

var chartData = {
  datasets: [{
    label: 'Test',
    data: []

Fill it with data:

for (var i = 0; i < yWerte.length; i++) {
      x: xWerte[i], // You don't need "xWerte", you can simply use "i" when it's always the increment
      y: yWerte[i]

You don’t need your c to save your data, you can just use it like I did. But if you want c you can save the result of the for-loop in the empty array c and then use chartData.datasets[0].data = c.

Working example with live-preview:,output

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