[Chartjs]-ChartJS: How to set fixed Y axis max and min


To fix min and max value for yAxes scale use the below code.

            scales: {
                yAxes : [{
                    ticks : {
                        max : 1,    
                        min : -1

suggestedMax will only works when incoming data is lower than suggestedMax value.
suggestedMin will works only when incoming data is greater than suggestedMin value.


For Chart.js version < 3.0:

From Sanjay Dutt‘s answer:

  scales: {
    yAxes : [{
      ticks : {
        max : 1,    
        min : -1

For Chart.js version >= 3.0:

Due to breaking changes in version 3.X, the above mentioned answer doesn’t work anymore. Chart.js created a Migration Guide to solve the upcoming problems.
The minimum and maximum values can now be configured directly to the options.scales:

options : {
    scales : {
        y : {
            min: -1,
            max: 1,

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