[Chartjs]-ChartJs events in Angular


I’m throwing this response together piece-meal from a working solution in a module I just wrote. This particular offering hasn’t been fully tested, but the crux of it is here exactly as it was working in my code.
I put my final working code together using bits of code from stackoverflow, but nothing I found looks quite like this code does (using ViewChild and Angular click event wire-up), so my working solution is somewhat unique and IMHO much simpler & straightforward.

NOTE: So long as the ViewChild canvas reference becomes a chart reference at runtime, I think the code is sound. My working solution created the chart object in the TypeScript code where yours is created in HTML, so I had a direct reference to the chart object where this code attempts to use the ViewChild reference.

If not, you may need to add a let statement to the event code to pull the chart object from the canvas reference (something like let myChartObj = this.myChartCanvas.(chartProperty);) and then reference myChartObj in place of this.myChart in the event code)


(I added #chartCanvas and (click) event)

<div style="display: block">
<canvas #chartCanvas (click)="onChartClick($event)" id="radarChart" baseChart [datasets]="radarChartData" [labels]="radarChartLabels"
    [chartType]="radarChartType" [options]="radarChartOptions"></canvas>


Add to your imports:

import { Chart, ChartElement } from 'chart.js';

Add to your class variables:

@ViewChild('chartCanvas') myChart;

Your event handler:

onChartClick(event) {
  let ActivePoints: ChartElement[] = this.myChart.getElementsAtEvent(event);
  // to do - check ActivePoints for undefined, return if true
  let idx = ActivePoints[0]['_index'];
  let lbl: string = this.myChart.data.labels[idx];
  let dat = this.myChart.data.datasets[0].data[idx];

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