[Chartjs]-Chartjs error : time scale: "time.format" is deprecated. Please use "time.parser" instead


The problem is due to incompatible versions of the different libraries you’re using.

The documentation of chartjs-plugin-streaming for example states the following:

Version 1.8 requires Chart.js 2.7.x or 2.8.x.

To get rid of the problem, you have two options.

  1. get rid of chartjs-plugin-streaming
  2. downgrade Chart.js 2.9.3 to 2.8.0


With Angular 8, I recommend using ng2-charts, which is based on Chart.js. Further you should get rid of chartjs-plugin-streaming and implement related functionality by your own.

Please have a look at the following StackBlitz


6 months later it’s still an open pull request on their repo. You can see the discussion and the long-pending fix here.

If you don’t want to downgrade or change libraries you can either use the fix locally yourself, or use one of the npm packages uploaded by contributors who got tired of waiting. I’m using @taeuk-gang/chartjs-plugin-streaming.


This issue was fixed in chartjs-plugin-streaming 1.9.0. Also, Chart.js 3.x is supported in the latest version 2.0.0-beta.3.

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