Chartjs-Chartjs doughnut chart for conditional data


There is no built-in support for doing this in Chart.js, however, it can be achieved using a very simple hack. Look at the code and try to understand, if any issues feel free to comment.

I have used chartjs-datalabels plugin to show datalabels on the pieChart.

Hope it helps!

Fiddle ->

  function drawPieChart(value, maxValue) {
  var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
  var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'doughnut',
    data: {
      labels: ["Consumed"],
      datasets: [{
        data: [value, maxValue - value],
        backgroundColor: ['green', 'red'],
    options: {
      tooltips: {
        enabled: false,
      plugins: {
        datalabels: {
          backgroundColor: function(context) {
            return context.dataset.backgroundColor;
          display: function(context) {
            var dataset = context.dataset;            
            var value =[context.dataIndex];
            return value > 0;
          color: 'white'

drawPieChart(5000, 5000);

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