Chartjs-Chartjs datalabels is not showing the labels on the bar chart


You forgot to initialize the plugin!

Add this:


Some additional info / improvements

  • The color of the datalabels should be inside the labels.value object. I’ve moved that so the lables are the correct color (#FFCE56)

  • The color on the dataset should be backgroundColor, changed that as well

  • I’ve implemented a formatter on the label with the use of this question on how to apply thousand-seperators, just to make it more readable (again).

    formatter: n => numberWithCommas(n),

Updated Snippet
const data = [{"date": "2023-02-23", "subscribers": 1208123 }, {"date": "2023-02-22", "subscribers": 1045338 }, {"date": "2023-02-21", "subscribers": 1043130 }, {"date": "2023-02-20", "subscribers": 1248035 }, {"date": "2023-02-19", "subscribers": 1243734 }, {"date": "2023-02-18", "subscribers": 1240317 }, {"date": "2023-02-17", "subscribers": 1033439 }, {"date": "2023-02-16", "subscribers": 974864 } ]; 
const chart_label = "Number of subscribers";
Chart.register(ChartDataLabels); // Enable plugin

const chart_canvas = document

push_messages_chart = new Chart(chart_canvas, {
    type: "bar",
    options: {
        animation: true,
        plugins: {
            // Change options for ALL labels of THIS CHART
            datalabels: {
                formatter: n => numberWithCommas(n),
                display: true, // Set to true to display the labels
                labels: {
                    value: {
                        color: "#FFCE56"
    data: {
        labels: =>,
        datasets: [
                label: chart_label,
                data: => row.subscribers),
                backgroundColor: "#FE777B",

function numberWithCommas(x) {
    return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="number_of_messages_delivered"></canvas>

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