Chartjs-Chartjs custom dynamic legend overflowing


Change height to auto on .chart-container and add min-height of 100%.

.chart-container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  border: solid 2px red;
  height: auto;
  min-height: 100%;
  position: relative;
  width: 500px;

You can add javascript to change height of the chart after the legend is added.

var legend = document.getElementById('js-legend'),
    canvas = document.getElementById('myChart');

legend.innerHTML = "This dynamically generated line of text should be within chart-container but it is incorrect"

var legendStyle = window.getComputedStyle(legend),
    canvasStyle = window.getComputedStyle(canvas),
    legendHeight = legendStyle.height.replace("px", ""),
    canvasHeight = canvasStyle.height.replace("px", ""); = (canvasHeight - legendHeight) + 'px';

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