Found a solution, here’s how I did it for anyone that needs to do this in the future!
Step #1: Scaled the "r" value by the max "r"
// for dataPoints, make "r" so 100 is the max radius and everything else is scaled down
const maxRadius = Math.max(...dataPoints.map((dataPoint: Dataset) => dataPoint.data[0].r));
dataPoints.forEach((dataPoint: Dataset) => {
dataPoint.data[0].r = Math.round(dataPoint.data[0].r / maxRadius * MAX_ALLOWED_BUBBLE_RADIUS);
Step #2: I’m use datalabels w/ https://chartjs-plugin-datalabels.netlify.app/, so I needed to get the "non-scaled value" to include in the datalabel. To do this, I did the below in my options:
plugins: {
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
label: function(context: any) {
const label = `Group: ${context.dataset.label}`;
// need to get original count, since we scaled it down for the bubble chart
const countDatapoint = originalData.filter((dataObj: DataObject) => dataObj.label === context.dataset.label)[0].datapoint;
const rLabel = `Count: ${countDatapoint}`;
return [label, rLabel];