Ah! Figured out the answer by mistake! Accidently commented out a section of code and it now works. All you have to do is remove the section which was meant to add the historic data. As it turns out, both:
var childData = childSnapshot.val()
var decTime = childData.decTime
addDataScatter(mouseChart, decTime, childData.mouse)
addDataScatter(scrollChart, decTime, childData.scroll)
addDataScatter(keysChart, decTime, childData.keys)
dataRefTenMin.on("child_added", function(data)
var newData = data.val()
var decTime = newData.decTime
addDataScatter(mouseChart,newData.decTime, newData.mouse)
addDataScatter(scrollChart,newData.decTime, newData.scroll)
addDataScatter(keysChart,newData.decTime, newData.keys)
add historic data to the chart. Hence the error comes as they plot the data over each other (I think).
If any one else has a similar problem, remove the first one of the two portions of code above! Then the chart will both plot the historic data and update live.
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