Dynamically push the data in the dataset for achieving the same in the js file.
Below is the Template for the same:
To Create the Dataset and the Labels :
var color = ["rgba(241,28,39,1)", //red
"rgba(231,221,28,1)", //yellow
"rgba(38,231,28,1)", //green
"rgba(28,231,221,1)", //cyan
"rgba(231,228,211,1)", //pink
"rgba(3,1,3,1)", // black
"rgba(236,176,179,1)", //light pink
"rgba(239,107,51,1)", //orange
"rgba(157,51,239,1)", //violet
"rgba(16,82,248,1)", //royalblue
ChartData = {};
ChartData.labels = [];
ChartData.datasets = [];
for (index = 0; index <Number_of_Video_Names; index++) {
temp = [];
dataset = ChartData.datasets[index]
dataset.backgroundColor = color[index],
dataset.borderColor = color[index],
dataset.label = [label1,label2,label3]; //labels
dataset.data = []; //data on Y-Axis
ChartData.datasets[index].data = [10,20,30,40,50]; //data
To Create the Graph
var RadarGraph = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'radar',
data: Chartdata,
This Should work for you .