[Chartjs]-Chart.js microsoft edge display issue


It is possible that below reasons cause this issue.

-> IE and Edge does not support globalAlpha for drawImage of SVG graphics.
-> IE 10 canvas doesn’t support setLineDash or lineDashOffset.

-> In IE 11 canvas.toDataURL() does not work if the canvas has images
with data URI sources.


Canvas (basic support)

Chart JS

You need to contact Chart JS for support. This library is developed by them. so they may available with any solution for this.


Ok I have fixed the problem, for line chart problem it was enough to switch from RGBA to HEX colors, thin font was fixed just by changing the font family and it’s weight – same with the legend.

scales: {
  xAxes: [{
    stacked: true,
    barPercentage: 0.6,
    fontStyle: 'bold',
    ticks: {
            fontFamily: "Verdana",
            fontStyle: 400
  yAxes: [{
    stacked: true,
    fontStyle: "bold",
    fontSize: 80,
    ticks: {
            fontFamily: "Verdana",
            fontStyle: 400,


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