I managed to do a stupid little hack to get exactly what I wanted, and it’s good enough for me, though it might be a little too hacky for other people’s tastes:
Chart.Legend.prototype.afterFit = function () {
console.log('Before afterFit: ' + JSON.stringify(this.minSize) + ' ' + this.height);
this.minSize.height = this.height = 100;
console.log('After afterFit: ' + JSON.stringify(this.minSize) + ' ' + this.height);
console log is:
Before afterFit: {"width":1664,"height":527} 527
After afterFit: {"width":1664,"height":100} 100
Before afterFit: {"width":1664,"height":527} 527
After afterFit: {"width":1664,"height":100} 100
I suppose to do this more cleanly, I should probably extend the Legend to override its afterFit behaviour. Will look into it, and I’ll update here if it’s possible to do it without too much hassle.
EDIT 19/10/2017:
Here is a “nicer” way to do this, which will look to a user like it was a built-in feature:
var origAfterFit = Chart.Legend.prototype.afterFit;
Chart.Legend.prototype.afterFit = function () {
if (this.options && this.options.maxSize) {
var maxSize = this.options.maxSize;
if (maxSize.height !== undefined) {
this.height = Math.min(this.height, maxSize.height);
this.minSize.height = Math.min(this.minSize.height, this.height);
if (maxSize.width !== undefined) {
this.width = Math.min(this.width, maxSize.width);
this.minSize.width = Math.min(this.minSize.width, this.width);
And example chart descriptor json:
"type" : "line",
"data" : {},
"options" : {
"legend" : {
"position" : "bottom",
"maxSize" : {
"height" : 200
"labels" : {
"usePointStyle" : true