Chartjs-Chart.js line graph doesn't show up most of the time


Try to render the graph after receiving the response from the http request, maybe with an if statement and a variable as flag:

  <div class="container">
    <div class="row mt-5">
      <div class="col" v-if="show">

In your export default object, you can have this:

export default {
  name: 'Fundraiser',
  components: { LineChart },
  data () {
    return {
      show: false,
      recentDonations: [],
      chartOptions: {
        responsive: true,
        maintainAspectRatio: false
  async created () {
    const { data } = await axios({
      url: '[MY API KEY]/v1/crowdfunding/pages/[SOME- 
      method: 'get',
      headers: {
        Accept: 'application/json'
    data.pledges.forEach(d => { // this part works fine.
      if (d.donationAmount != null) {
        const dateInEpochFormat = d.activityDate.substring(6, 16)
        const donationMade = moment.unix(dateInEpochFormat).format('MM/DD')
        this.recentDonations.push({ donationDate: donationMade, totalMoney: 
        d.donationAmount })
    }) = true;

This is a workaround, You are waiting to have the data before render the graph, than way the first time that the graph is rendered, it can use the data and show the information.

The reason to not see data in the graph is because when the graph is rendered there is not information to show, once you get the response from the http request the graph is not updated, to do so, you must to watch the chartData prop, and once chartData is updated, you must call the chart.js update graph method (you can read more about it here:

A better way to handle the data update is to assign the value to this.recentDonations after the forEach, that way you are not getting updates every time a pledge is pushed:

const donations = [];
data.pledges.forEach(d => { // this part works fine.
if (d.donationAmount != null) {
const dateInEpochFormat = d.activityDate.substring(6, 16)
const donationMade = moment.unix(dateInEpochFormat).format(‘MM/DD’)
donations.push({ donationDate: donationMade, totalMoney:
d.donationAmount })
this.recentDonation = donations; = true;

I did a test with a timeout function using this code (I don’t know how to use the justgiving api):

  <div class="container">
    <div class="row mt-5">
      <div class="col" v-if="show">

import axios from "axios";
import moment from "moment";
import LineChart from "../components/LineChart.vue";

export default {
  name: "Fundraiser",
  components: { LineChart },
  data() {
    return {
      show: false,
      recentDonations: [],
      chartOptions: {
        responsive: true,
        maintainAspectRatio: false
  methods: {
    request() {
      const pledges = [
        { donationDate: "11/08", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/09", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/10", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/11", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/12", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/13", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/14", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/15", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/16", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/17", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/18", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/19", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/20", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/21", donationAmount: 5 },
        { donationDate: "11/22", donationAmount: 5 }
      pledges.forEach(d => {
        // this part works fine.
        // if (d.donationAmount != null) {
        // const dateInEpochFormat = d.activityDate.substring(6, 16);
        // const donationMade = moment.unix(dateInEpochFormat).format("MM/DD");
          donationDate: d.donationDate,
          totalMoney: d.donationAmount
        // }
      }); = true;
  async created() {
    await setTimeout(this.request, 1000);

If you remove the if statement, the graph doesn’t show any data

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