Chartjs-Chart.js line chart: gap between December and January


You can search for minimum and maximum date and create a dictionary with all available date and for non-available data you can set it to null

const data = [
    date: "2019-12-01T00:00:00",
    value: "50",
    date: "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
    value: "10",

const dataDates ={ date, }) => ({, date: new Date(date) }));

const minDate = Math.min({ date }) => date.getTime()));
const maxDate = Math.max({ date }) => date.getTime()));

const dataDictionary = dataDates.reduce((acc, { date, }) => {
  const dateKey = date.getTime();
  acc[dateKey] = { date, };

  return acc;
}, {});

const chartJsData = [];

let currentDate = minDate;

while (currentDate <= maxDate) {
  if (dataDictionary[currentDate])
    chartJsData.push({ date: new Date(currentDate), value: null });

  // Increment date with 1 month
  currentDate = currentDate + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;


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